Day 2
‘…You never saw Him, yet you love Him, you still don’t see Him, yet you trust Him… 1 Peter 1 (The Message)
Consecration’s Impact
What an amazing job you do.
No one else might say this to you today but thank you. Thank you for believing that God is at work in the world. Thank you for getting up out of bed every day determined to make a difference because God has made a difference in your life. Thank you for looking beyond the hopelessness of the situations you deal with and believing that God is at work.
Faith can be a hard thing, and it is always a gift we receive from God rather than something that we create ourselves, but faith works. Yet without that sense of faith, we make ourselves into nothing other than another social service. We do what we do, because God has done what He has done. If we lose the centrality of consecration in our lives, we lean into our own resources and strength and we lean out of God’s resources and strength. Faith comes by hearing God’s word, but we can only hear God’s word properly when we give Him time to speak to us, and to do that we need to slow down our pace and commit to His purpose and His plan being worked out His way. The joyful door into such a perspective hangs on the hinges of sacrifice and obedience, has consecration as its handle, and grace as the lock that is opened by the key of faith. SO much of the reality of our lives and our ministries is shaped by consecration.
So, whether you are serving in a local church as the senior pastor, an associate, an assistant, an elder or a deacon; or you are a chaplain or a youth pastor or one of dozens of other roles, from national to local spheres, thank you! Your words and acts and thoughts and attitudes can change the world for someone today. And as you believe that this really can happen, you might just be changed yourself by the same God who uses you to bring change to other people.
What an amazing and wonderful privilege to be part of the people who bring God’s Kingdom.
For further thought –
Are there specific things that you know only God can do in your life, your church or your ministry? Maybe today you can just take a second and you can think about those mountains that just won’t move. Are you trying too hard to do it yourself? As you consecrate yourself again to God’s purposes and remember your need of God’s grace and wisdom, why not give the challenges to God again. Name them before Him. Ask God to release more faith in your life and heart as you submit your life to His will again today.